Creamy Potatos are Best with a Heavy Duty Potato Ricer
If you want the smoothest, creamiest mashed potatos then don’t even think of use a masher, mixer or a food processor. The bes method is with a stainless steel heavy duty potato masher.
So what is the big difference?
Boiled potatoes are packed with starch. Mashing them (breaking the cells apart) releases that starch. If you mash them too much, all that starch gets gluey, ruining your dish. The potato ricer manages to break potatoes into the smallest pieces with the least amount of motion, resulting in that great texture.
Browne (3RS) Stainless Steel Potato RicerBethany Heavy-Duty Potato RicerMecai Stainless Steel Commercial Potato Ricer,Heavy-dutyMIU France Brushed Stainless Steel Potato RicerWarmhoming Stainless Steel Fruit and Vegetables MasherPotato Ricer & Masher By Godinn- Durable Stainless Steel Construction